Industrial connectivity solutions and PaaS platforms for IIoT applications

Published : 11/27/2020 11:00:00

The applications of IIoT projects (Industrial Internet of Things) have been in great development and ferment for several years. We all know the impact IoT has had on our daily lives, thanks to the network of smart devices, computers and collected data we interact with. The industrial-type applications are not as usable as consumer-type applications and for this reason it is important to focus on some aspects and possible applications developed within industrial automation projects.

Struttura di applicazioni IIOT e possibili dispositivi

What are the benefits of IIoT?

The application of IoT to the manufacturing industry is commonly referred to as IIoT and has been revolutionising the manufacturing industry. The advantages are many and can be summarised in these 5 points:

  • Efficiency
  • Widespread connectivitya
  • Scalability
  • Time saving
  • Reduced costs


The most important consequence of applying IIoT projects is certainly the aggregation of information and data at the organisation level, thus improving the whole map of industrial processes. The data analysis through the IIoT thus helps business development and offers the possibility to clearly understand the progress of the productive processes and consequently the possibility to make the best decisions in a data-driven perspective.

What are the devices dedicated to IIoT applications?

The partnership with ORing Industrial Networking Corp, company specialising in the development of wireless communication technologies, allows Digimax to propose to the Italian market the best hardware and software solutions dedicated to IIoT applications. The offer is wide and comprehensive: gateways, I/O modules, smart antennas, access points, media converters and even cloud service platforms to provide the most up-to-date IIoT solution. All solutions offered by Digimax are designed and engineered for a wide range of applications dedicated to data collection, transfer and analysis.


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