PSA Certification for Cyber Security IoT Devices and Platforms

Published : 10/17/2023 10:00:00

PSA Cyber Security Certification refers to "PSA Certified" certification in the context of IT Security. PSA, acronym of Platform Security Architecture, is an initiative that aims to improve the security of and IIoT platforms and devices through a series of safety guidelines, requirements and standards.

PSA Certified is an independent certification program that evaluates and certifies the compliance of an IoT device or platform with the security requirements defined by PSA. The program was developed by Arm, a leading developer of microprocessor and IoT technologies, in collaboration with other industry partners.

Certificazione PSA per dispositivi e piattaforme IoT di Cyber Security

What are the benefits of PSA certification

PSA Certified certification offers a number of benefits for IoT device and platform vendors, as well as end users:

Improved security: The certification guarantees that the IoT platform or device has implemented adequate security mechanisms according to the standards defined by PSA. This includes requirements for firmware security, encryption, authentication, component isolation, key management, and data protection. The goal is to mitigate cybersecurity risks and protect IoT devices from potential threats.

Interoperability: PSA certification promotes interoperability between different IoT device and platform vendors. This means that PSA certified devices are able to work reliably with other IoT devices that comply with PSA security standards. This facilitates the integration and interaction between devices and platforms from different manufacturers, favoring the development of secure and interconnected IoT ecosystems.

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Customer trust: PSA certification is an independent attestation of the security and reliability of an IoT platform or device. This helps build trust between suppliers and customers, as it demonstrates that the product has been evaluated and has passed stringent safety tests. Customers can rely on certification to make informed decisions about purchasing secure and reliable IoT devices.

Support and Resources: PSA also offers support and resources to help you implement the PSA security requirements. This includes technical documentation, guidelines, assessment and testing tools, which help vendors develop safety-compliant platforms and devices.

In summary, the PSA Cyber Security certification is a certification program that certifies the compliance of an IoT platform or device with the security requirements defined by PSA. The certification promotes security, interoperability and trust in the context of the IoT, helping to create integrable and secure IoT ecosystems.


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How PSA certification works

There are three levels of PSA assessment:

  • PSA Certified Level 1: it is based on a security questionnaire which is used to confirm that basic security principles have been applied. A third-party lab evaluates the implementation to ensure that security principles have been met.
  • PSA Certified Level 2: features an independent lab evaluation designed to ensure that the chip's PSA Root of Trust security component can protect against software attacks. This includes penetration testing.
  • PSA Certified Level 3: is a third-party laboratory evaluation that provides evidence of protection against substantial hardware and software attacks. Penetration tests are also performed in this case.

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Gateway IoT con certificazione Cyber Security

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